Innovation and Digital Transformation Training

Managing digital transformation, product development and innovation presents some daunting challenges when faced with critical near-term deadlines, fast-moving market requirements and constrained resources. However, that is the condition of the typical technology based company today. The challenges are caused by both the constrained business conditions and the uncertainty and variability of the new technology. Fortunately there are several management approaches and techniques that can assist a company in the proactive management of these critical business processes. PPI has several courses that are focused upon successful digital transformation, new product development and managing innovation in both products and business systems.

PPI will customize these programs if your company needs specialized training due to industry issues or corporate objectives. PPI will also work with customers to develop customized case studies and exercises that are tailored to their business practices. Please contact us for prices and schedules.

Innovation and Digital Transformation training programs include:

Planning and Implemeting a Digital Transformation
Businesses are quickly racing to transform their products, processes and business model from industrial age businesses to become digital age businesses.  This is far more than an IT upgrade, it an impact every aspect of the enterprise.  To do this effectively a business digital changeover strategy is needed.  As part of this strategy, an organizational change and implementation plan must be developed.  This course explains each of those elements and provides examples and exercises for creating them. 

Managing New Product Development Projects
Product development projects are among the most challenging projects. They often have vague or shifting requirements, tight time schedules, immature high risk technology, and a cross-functional team with differing functional goals. They are the embodiment of high risk. This course will discuss the unique characteristics of product development projects and methods and techniques the project leader and team members can use to account for these characteristics.

Design for Six Sigma
Six Sigma process management has become a standard practice in many companies. However, six sigma applies to established processes. When designing a new product, often there are few if any existing processes. Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is a methodology to assist engineers so that the products they create are compatible with six sigma process management. This course presents the methodology of DFSS.

Design for Manufacturability
Products that are not manufacturable are not a competitive advantage for a company, they are a liability. The suite of tools and techniques that encompass Design for Manufacturability assist the design team to ensure the final design can transition smoothly into the production environment. This course will demonstrate the use of the DFM tools and allow the participants to practice with them.

Voice of the Customer
Everyone says that they want the voice of the customer to be reflected in their product requirements and product designs, yet often they have no methodology for capturing and analyzing this information. It is not enough to just repeat a few anecdotes, a systematic approach should be used to both understand what the customer wants and to translate that into design requirements. This course reviews several techniques for doing both of those.

Innovation with Lean and Six Sigma
Lean and Six Sigma are two proven methods for improving business performance. They focus on driving out waste and inefficiency and bring a level of process management that is needed to ensure sustained high levels of performance. But what they do not do is foster innovation. In fact, the principles of both Lean and Six Sigma will suppress and punish innovation efforts. This course shows how to use innovation tools in conjunction with Lean and Six Sigma processes to get both breakthrough innovation and low cost, high quality operational performance.

Product Line Strategy and Portfolio Management
A business strategy is often implemented through product line strategies. These strategies integrate the realities of the marketplace, the operational strengths and weaknesses of the business, the product lifecycle and product technolgy to find the point of competitive advantage. This course normaly combines teaching and application consulting. It includes classroom teaching of product line strategy principles and coaches business teams in the application of those principles to their product lines.

Managing Design Transfer
Even though a product development team has designed a great product, that does not ensure business success. The company must still get that product into production; often in multiple sites around the world. The design transfer process can be a larger and more challenging project than the was the product development. This course will discuss the principles for effective design transfer and share best practices that have proven effective.