There is just one thing – I know what it takes to win at
American Football, but as I look around I find that there are lots of people
playing Association Football and it is very different from the football that I
know. It is what we in the USA would call “soccer,” but in the rest of the world it is known as “football.”
There is a strong resemblance between business success in
the industrial age and American Football.
And there is also a strong resemblance between business success in the
digital age and Association Football.
There are some similarities; for instance, both have two teams of 11
players competing against each other on a large field with the goal to be to
outscore the opponent. But don’t let the
similarities fool you. The games are
different. How they are played, the
skills needed by the players, and the strategies used need to be those
appropriate for which version of “football” you are playing.
So let’s set aside the technology for digital age businesses
for a minute. Things like the Internet
of Things (IoT), cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and
robotics. Instead lets’ talk about how
we organize and manage a business for the digital age as compared to the
industrial age using a metaphor of playing two different games, both called
American Football (Think Industrial Age Business)
American Football relies on power, strength, agility, training, and competitive strategic game plan. Let's consider the implication of some of these attributes and their parallel to industrial age business.
Functional Specialist
In American Football, each player has a position or role. There are strict rules associated with that
position. For instance, an interior
lineman cannot catch a forward pass, that action is reserved for backs, ends,
and wide receivers. Also, the skills
needed for success vary based upon your position on the team. That same interior linemen must be excellent
at blocking, with great leg strength and arm strength. A wide receiver should be very fast and have
“good hands” for catching the ball. A
free safety needs to be very quick and agile to play pass defense, while a nose
tackle should be very strong to push past the opposing teams offensive line and
tackle the running backs or quarterback.
Sure, it would be great if everyone was good at everything, but on most
teams, a player works to develop the skills that are essential for success in
their position.
Industrial age businesses have a similar
characteristic. The business has
functional specialists who know one position well. There are accountants in Finance, engineers
in R&D, and quality inspectors in Operations. The skills required for each position are
very different and the authority of each individual is different based upon the
rules for that position. A Finance
person does not have the authority to determine if a product was made
correctly, and the quality inspector does not prepare the quarterly tax
filings. Everyone knows their role, and
the road to advancement and success in the organization is to become very good
at your job. Of course, broad business
knowledge is good to have, but you are expected to be an expert in your
function or role. If everyone has that
attitude and aptitude, the industrial age business should perform well. It is just like in American Football terms,
you want to be in the starting lineup of team that is bound for the playoffs or
a bowl game.
Set Plays with Clear Assignments
Also, in American Football, the teams run set plays. Everyone waits until the ball is snapped, then
every player has a specific action they are to do. The right guard may be pulling to block for
the tailback who is going off the left tackle, or he may be pass blocking for
the quarterback. The tight end is
running a buttonhook route, or blocking for a jet sweep. The outside linebacker is tracking the
running back who is in motion to pass defend them out of the backfield, and the
defensive backs are either in man-to-man or zone coverage. Everyone knows what they are supposed to do on
every play. And each team is trying to
win on each play. They want to overpower
the other team with their athleticism and confuse them so they won’t know what
to expect.
Again, there is similarity to this in industrial age
business. The company creates a
competitive strategy. It may involve
intellectual property, new products or new markets. It may rely upon excellent execution that
leads to faster delivery or personalized service. Some of the strategies may be defensive in
nature such as negotiating long term contracts to prevent competitors from
gaining market share or using pricing to discourage other entrants to the
market. Many businesses conduct an
annual or semi-annual strategy planning session to determine these
strategies. The business functions then create
processes to support those strategies.
This is just like creating plays in American Football. Everyone has specific actions they are
supposed to do. If successful, they
either advance the company’s offering in the market – just like the offense
advancing the football. Or the processes
will blunt the competitor’s offering – just like when the defense stops the
opponent for no gain.
A Field of Play and Rules for How to Win
At the risk of stretching the metaphor too much more, let’s
also acknowledge that there are rules about how the game is to be played and
scored. There are end zones and
goalposts that are used to determine the scoring. There are sidelines that define when
something is out-of-bounds. Each team
gets four tries, or downs, to move the ball at least 10 yards forward. If they can’t do that, they turn the ball
over to the other team and then that team tries to move the ball 10 yards. There is a clock that is running, but it
frequently stops for a variety of reasons.
Also, there are rules on how the game is played at the individual level. This includes rules of behavior and rules
associated with different positions.
Finally, there are umpires and referees who watch for any infraction of
the rules. Depending upon the nature of
the infraction, they impose penalties of varying degrees all the way from a
minor repositioning of the football up to barring an individual from ever
participating in the sport.
Industrial age business is the same. There are rules governing the industry and
individual behavior. These include
financial accounting rules and tax laws that tell us how to score success. Depending upon your industry, their may be
other regulatory requirements that define what business actions or offerings
are “out-of-bounds.” In addition, there
are industry watchdog groups and regulators who are watching for
infractions. Depending upon the nature
of the infraction, you may have to do additional testing or add a warning label
on your product. You may be barred from
selling certain types of products or services within certain markets. And for really serious infractions, you may
be incarcerated.
Association Football (Think Digital Age)
So, let’s look at how things change when we discuss digital
age business. Association Football, what
is known as “soccer” in the USA, is our metaphor.
The Rule Book is Different
I will start by pointing out that the rule
books are very different. Association
Football has 17 rules of play and they can be fully described in a seven-page
memo. The rule book for college level
American Football, as published by the NCAA, is 220 pages long. Even if we
overlook the 14 pages compromising the title, table of contents,
acknowledgements, and index, there are still 206 pages of rules. That doesn’t mean that Association Football
is easier, rather it means that there is a much broader scope for innovation
and improvisation. That is definitely
something we see in the digital age business.
The scope for innovation, collaboration, co-creation and changing the
business model is enormous.
The Field of Play Varies
One of the similarities is a field with sidelines and end-lines
that clearly delineate “in-bounds” from “out-of-bounds” with both types of
football. However, the Association Football
field is larger and what is even more enlightening is that the dimensions can
vary from field to field within a minimum and maximum length and width. And speaking of the field, the markings on
the field are also different. American Football
has yard markers and hash marks so you can determine your precise location on
the field. An Association Football field
has a center line with a center circle and then lines defining space around the
goals and in the corners. But no other
markings on the field – just lots of open space, Digital age business is also operating in a
field that is varying all the time and is less clearly defined than industrial
age business.
Goals and Scoring are Different
Another point of both similarity and contrast is that there
is a goal at either end of the field
with both types of football.
However, there are some differences in the goals. The Association Football goal is resting on
the ground and is closed on all four sides – left, right, top, and bottom. If a kicked ball crosses the plane of the box
defined by the goal, there is a score.
The American Football goal is suspended in the air. It is only defined on three sides – left,
right, and bottom. If a kicked ball
crosses the plane of the goal, there is a score. But the magnitude of the score varies
depending upon whether the kick it is a field goal or a point after
attempt. In addition, American Football
has three other ways to score: a touchdown, a safety, or a two-point
conversion. There is a lot of complexity
in the scoring system for American Football.
Association Football scoring is much simpler –
kick a goal, score a point. However, it is interesting to observe that the
scores in a match in Association Football are much lower than American
Football. Just because the scoring is
easy to understand, that does not mean it is easy to accomplish. Applying this to digital age business, we see
that there is no advantage in complexity.
Businesses are much closer to their customers and suppliers. Success is measured in real-time when the
transaction occurs. That doesn’t make it
easier. If your team is much quicker and
more agile than the competition it will likely score many more goals. Complexity does not add value to digital age
There are Still Referees but Penalties are Different
A similarity between the two styles of football is that
there are referees, and umpires or linesmen who watch for infractions and can
penalize a team or player. Of course,
the nature of the infractions is different because the rules are
different. And the nature of the
penalties is also different. As a
general rule, American Football infractions will put you in a less advantageous
position with respect to scoring or preventing a score (penalty yards). Whereas, Association Football infractions
will give the ball to the opposing team with an opportunity for a free
Continuing with our discussion of
business. Most infractions in industrial
age business practices were a setback, but the business could continue
operating with its current strategy, customers and suppliers. In digital business, information is
immediately and widely shared.
Information, or misinformation, about an infraction can go viral in a
matter of hours. This will directly
impact your ability to do business with customers and suppliers. When an infraction occurs, you find yourself
immediately playing defense.
Free Style Rather Than Set Plays
In fact, that brings us to the actual playing of the
game. In American Football, each player
had a specific position with rules for that position and specific assignment on
each play. This principle is not
followed as closely in Association Football.
The goalie does have some very specific rules, but many of those only
apply when the goalie is in front of the goal.
There are just three other positions on the Association Football team,
that of defenders, midfielders, and forwards.
The team can determine how many team members from each category are on
the field at one time, as long as the total is eleven. And while these positions have general
responsibilities, they are fluid. Often
interchanging between each other within a position category and helping each
other across categories on both offense and defense.
There is a decided parallel in digital age
business. Roles are fluid. Virtual teams are created for an opportunity
and when something changes in the ecosystem, the team membership or team leadership
changes in a heart beat to react to the new opportunity.
The Clock Continues to Run
So it is no surprise to see the play on the field of an
Association Football match is much less structured or choreographed as compared
to an American Football play. The ball
is always moving; it does not stop between plays. And a team finds itself switching between
offense to defense in a moment as a pass is intercepted or a kick goes awry. When things change, clock keeps running and
there is no stop to run a set play. Instead,
each team is constantly on the move as they strive for ball control and to gain
an advantage.
Digital age business moves
at pace that is much faster than industrial age. The technology is rapidly changing, customer
needs and expectations are changing with each new transaction, and the amount
of data is growing exponentially. Also,
the clock doesn’t stop in digital age business.
It is conducted on a global level and is expected to be “on”
24/7/365. An industrial age business
trying to stop and setup a play in the digital age will find the competition
has swept pass them.
A New Normal
It is instructive to note that what is normal play in an
Association Football match would be called a “busted play” in American Football. Granted there are special plays in
Association Football that may start action on the field such as a corner kick
or free kick, but even then, the action is very fluid. A good rule of thumb is that the team with
the better agility and stamina will have a distinct advantage in Association
Football. Since the ball is always
moving, team members must always be moving to either defend their goal or
attack their opponent’s goal.
implication for digital age business is that you need empowered agile teams
that can innovate and co-create in real-time to be successful. The command and control structure of
industrial age business is too slow. You
can’t operate with the coach calling all the plays like we do in American
Football. Instead, the team members are
assessing the environment, taking instant advantage of a mistake by the other
team and moving the ball toward the goal.
When the opportunity arises they act, they don’t stop to ask permission.
Final Thoughts
Well this metaphor is becoming a bit tortured so let’s wrap
this up. Managing in the industrial age
and managing in the digital age are different.
The skills that were needed for one, can become pitfalls for the
other. If you were successful as an
industrial age business, you will need to make some changes to thrive in the
digital age. Be thoughtful how you make
the change.
Chances are, there will be a
time of transition where part of your business will need to continue to operate
in the industrial age to serve your industrial age customers. But as that customer base shrinks, you will
need to be serving digital age customers with a digital age management
approach. If you don’t, you can bet that
someone else will. The management
approaches are different. Roles and
responsibilities are different. The pace
of business is different. If you don’t
change, or if only part of your organization changes, you won’t be successful
at the new style of football.
American Football (Industrial Age) Success Criteria
American Football success often depended upon how well a
team performed on three different attributes of team preparation and
performance. Ideally, you were good at
all three, but you could make up for a weakness in on attribute with superior
strengths in the other two:
- Athletes that are big, strong and fast.
- Athletes who have been taught the skills to perform their positions well
- Coaches who call good plays based upon the strengths and weaknesses of their team and the opponent’s team
Industrial age success has been based upon a strategy that
led to having a sustainable competitive advantage. Just like American Football this was usually
based upon a combination of three things.
- Proprietary, innovative or customized products or service
- Excellent business processes – internal and customer-facing
- Management and control systems that ensured everything was operating as it should.
A competitive advantage was often rooted in one of those and
strongly supported by the other two. You
strengthened your business by becoming better at any or all of these. Industrial age business competition rewarded
the company in an industry that was the best at doing these.
Association Football (Digital Age) Success Criteria
But Association Football is different. There are still three factors that are
indicators of successful team, but the factors are different. Some of the differences are subtle and some
are profound.
- Athletes that are fast, agile, and with great stamina
- Athletes who are skilled in handling the ball, seeing the field and working together to create opportunities
- Coaches who ensure the team is physically prepared and then manages the chemistry and talents of those on the field to find the best combination for the circumstances
So comparing the success factors for football; in
Association Football the athlete’s agility and stamina is prized over raw
strength, skills are important but the critical skills are different, and the
coaches have less direct control but must instead rely on the instincts of
an empowered team.
And there is a parallel in digital age business performance. We find that there is a new management strategy
for success that is emerging. Digital
business requires very fast decision-making by those on the front line of
business – the annual strategic planning process just won’t cut it. The amount of data and information is
over-whelming unless there is a system that makes sense of it. Competitive advantage is based upon how
quickly you can react to changes with excellence and at scale. As it is developing, we are finding that there
are three keys to success:
- Digital technology enablers are deployed: IoT, Cloud, big data, appropriate AI or robotics
- Empowered cross-functional. cross-organizational virtual teams co-create value that is aligned with the corporate strategic imperatives
- Management and ecosystems leverage successes and provide clear organizational and operational vision
So we find in digital age businesses, digital technology
implementation is more important than the proprietary technology. The business
must rely more on empower teams to recognize and take advantage of
opportunities rather than fixed processes that determine what can and cannot be
done. Finally dynamic learning by the organization to take advantage of
emerging opportunities rather than management control and precisely predicted
The good news is that whether in the industrial age or
the digital age, you are still playing football. What you need to recognize is that you are no
longer playing American Football, it is now Association Football – and that
means many things about the game have changed.
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